Frequently Asked Questions
Anything from just one word to an oh-my-God-this-has-no-end document. It can be anything from a contract, articles of associations, pleadings to financial statements, notices, balance sheets and from brochures, pamphlets, advertising material to medical records, examinations and reports.
As for the languages, we are currently covering translations from and to English and German in house, but sky is only the limit:
we maintain ahn ever-growing network of fellow professional translators and localisers working with us, therefore we’ll be able to satisfy your translation requests in any combination.
Thing is, it could take some time, especially when it comes to unusual language combinations, but we guarantee to do our best and meet your expectations!
Find out more about the services and specialisations we offer.
Things here are simple.
First of all, you have to ask yourselves “Do I need that translated?” If the answer is yes, then you’ve come to the right place, because this is exactly what we do.
Next thing on the list: what language combination? This is easy and you already know the answer to this question; you only have to share it with us.
Now, we’re getting to some serious stuff: when do I need it translated? Well, this is entirely up to you. What we can do on our end is to provide you with the most suitable solution that fits your timeframe and meets your demands.
NOTE: However, keep in mind that even the best translator may give the worst results when asked to work within a tight deadline.
A quote is our way of telling you that you’ve provided us with all the necessary information to start working on your project.
Our team is ready and you simply need to give us the “OK” to move forward towards the deadline, or, as we like to call it, the “translate-deliver-succeed” process.
You can ask for a quote for what you would like to have translated at
One thing is for sure: if you’ve sent us your text or any other project via email, then no biggie, you will receive it electronically as soon as possible.
If your translation must be delivered printed out, then we’ll make our best effort to have it delivered in the best manner and at the earliest time possible.
So, don’t worry, because nothing is impossible…
Well, that depends: if it took you five days to draw up a 20-page contract, don’t expect us to have it delivered the very next day, or in just a few hours.
If it is quality you seek, it will take some time for the most qualified translators and reviewers we collaborate with to provide you with the best result in terms of quality, consistency and time.
As we always say in Greece, “Good things can’t be rushed”.
Each project is different and, accordingly, there is no “one-price-fits-all” policy.
If you wish to have something translated or localised, then you can contact us directly at and let us know exactly what it is that you want.
Usual translation rates are estimated on a per-word or per-hour basis depending on the type and complexity of the text. Sometimes, in order to meet a deadline, we might have to work during weekends or after hours, in order to provide you with quality results, which is also charged extra.
Therefore, the cost of a project depends entirely on the criteria and parameters you define. You just need to contact us to find out more.
Both translation and localisation are the processes of translating written text from one (source) language to another (target) language.
However, localisation is generally the adaptation of content, product and/or service, to the needs of a specific location (country, region, etc.) and/or local market, in order to make your words more familiar to your target audience.
We love challenges, but this can’t apply to translation and/or localisation, when quality is of the essence.
Although this might be feasible by assigning parts thereof to different colleagues, please don’t expect that the result will be the best one possible or consistent in style when cut in pieces and stuck back together.
As you already know, Rome wasn’t built in a day…
If what you’ve sent us is a work in progress, then changes may occur and this is something really common.
In such a case, we will check the text again and locate all changes made (whether they have to do with additions, deletions or alteration of the text), so that we can provide you with a new quote for these changes and, if needed, with a new deadline based on the new wordcount.
In this section you can find some answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding translation.
Should you still have more questions, feel free to contact us directly via email here.